Sunday, March 15, 2009

Re-Sizing .VHD Files

While creating a Virtual Disk (.VHD) for Virtual PC we need to allocate a maximum size for both Dynamic and Fixed sized disks. Now once we set this size it’s really difficult to change it. I had a similar issue last week and luckily I happen to find a solution for it which I am going to share here.

Firstly we would need the Vhd Resizer tool from the vmToolkit. This tool would copy sector by sector all the contents of a VHD and create a new VHD with the new size.


Once the resize is complete the added GB’s/MB’s would be shown as an unallocated partition in the new VHD file. (To view the partitions, start the VPC (with the new VHD) -> Right Click My Computer > Click Manage -> Disk Management)
Now to merge this unallocated partition we need to use a command line utility ‘diskpart’ as follows:

Open command prompt and type diskpart, press enter and you would get this prompt


· Type list disk (this would list all the disks)

· Type select disk # (select the disk number in which you want to merge the unallocated partition)

· Type detail disk (this would display all the volumes of the disk)

· Type select volume # (select the volume number in which you want to merge the unallocated partition)

· Finally Type extend (this would merge the unallocated partition on the selected disk & volume)

Open the Disk Management again and you should see the new size of the VHD. We can also use other tools like Partition Magic for merging the unallocated partitions.

Friday, March 06, 2009

How to create context menus and capture right click event in Silverlight

Context menus & right click event is something which is not out of the box supported in silverlight but I think they prove to be very crucial while developing LOB applications. So here is a workaround on how you can create them. Basically I am using HTML/Javascript to create and render menus on top of silverlight but it involves a few tweaks which are listed below.

First tweak is – How to display a HTML Menu on top of silverlight control.
For this we need to change 2 properties on the .aspx or .html page where the silverlight control is being hosted.

      <param name="background" value="transparent" />
<param name="windowless" value="true" />

Than capturing the right click event in HTML and displaying our menu.

script language="javascript">

  function click(e) {
     if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && event.button == 2) {

                var menu = document.getElementById('myMenu');
       = event.clientX + 'px';
       = event.clientY + 'px';
       = 'visible';
                return false;
            return true;
  document.onmousedown = click


is a <div> I have created on the html page which contains a simple table as below:

div id="myMenu" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; width: 75px">

   <table width="100%" style="background: #000000" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<tr style="background: #FFFFFF">
         <td onclick="SomeFunctionWhichCallsSilverlight()" style="cursor: hand">
     <tr style="background: #FFFFFF">
         <td onclick="SomeFunctionWhichCallsSilverlight()" style="cursor: hand"> 

     <tr style="background: #FFFFFF">
         <td onclick="SomeFunctionWhichCallsSilverlight()" style="cursor: hand"> 


     <tr style="background: #FFFFFF">
         <td onclick="SomeFunctionWhichCallsSilverlight()" style="cursor: hand"> 




The SomeFunctionWhichCallsSilverlight() function would be the interop function to call the relevant Silverlight function as described in my earlier blog.

Now the last thing is to disable the default ‘SilverlightConfiguration’ menu

<body oncontextmenu="return false">

You can download the sample code from here
