Monday, July 16, 2012

SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013 . . . .


Finally, Microsoft has announced the latest release of SharePoint 2013 (a.k.a SharePoint 15) along with Office 2013 (a.k.a Office 15).

There are some significant changes in the new App Model and would require a lot of unlearning and learning to get in pace. Personally, I like the overall direction in which MS is heading. I am a JavaScript fan and have been heavily using libraries like KnockoutJS and jQuery for a more end-to-end experience in SharePoint. So for me it feels like home Smile.
I have been working on this new App Model since over a month now and below are some tips for all the SharePoint Dev’s out there:

  • Embrace & Learn JavaScript  (As a real language)
  • SharePoint is not hammer and Lists are not nails
  • Separate the Concerns (Logic, Presentation, Persistence)
  • Understand the Mechanics of how things are working  (Fundamentally, SharePoint is just an Abstraction on top of an Web Application)
  • Good Architecture is possible even with SharePoint involved Smile

I will be sharing my experiences on this new journey as I move along…

Enjoy !!


K@il@sh said...


kailash said...


willaim said...

Hi... I am william. Thnas for sharing a information on sharepoint ..
