- Angular Style Guide By John Papa (Absolute must read for everyone before writing angular 1.0 code)
- Day 1 Keynote of ng-conf 2015 talking about the past and future of Angular
- Starting with Angular 2.0 : https://angular.io/
- Road to NG2 : http://devchat.tv/adventures-in-angular/048-aia-the-road-to-ng2
ECMAScript 6 is bringing lot of goodnes and the JavaScript in future might look a lot different than what we see today.
Frameworks like Angular, Backbone, Ember provide a nice wrappers to fill the gaps but ultimately we should keep our eye on ES6.
Here is how you can try ES6 today using compilers like babel and tracer today: http://jomit.blogspot.com/2015/02/trying-ecmascript-6-javascript-6.html
Enjoying Javascripting….
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