Sunday, January 11, 2015

Machine Learning Course Summary (Part 4)

Summary from the Stanford's Machine learning class by Andrew Ng

  • Part 1
    • Supervised vs. Unsupervised learning, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Gradient Descent
  • Part 2
    • Regularization, Neural Networks
  • Part 3
    • Debugging and Diagnostic, Machine Learning System Design
  • Part 4
    • Support Vector Machine, Kernels
  • Part 5
    • K-means algorithm, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm
  • Part 6
    • Anomaly detection, Multivariate Gaussian distribution
  • Part 7
    • Recommender Systems, Collaborative filtering algorithm, Mean normalization
  • Part 8
    • Stochastic gradient descent, Mini batch gradient descent, Map-reduce and data parallelism

Support Vector Machines

  • Hypothesis and Decision Boundary 
    • Hypothesis 


    • Decision Boundary


  • Kernels
    • For Non Linear Decision Boundary we can use higher order polynomials but is there a different/better choice of the features ?
    • High order polynomials can be computationally heavy for image processing type problem.
    • Given X, compute new feature depending  on proximity to landmarks.




    • When x = 3/5 the bump increases as its near to the landmark l(1), which is equal to [3,5], sigma square value makes the bump narrow or wide.


    • Predict “1” when theta0 + theta1 f1 + theta2 f2 + theta3 f3  >= 0
    • Let’s assume theta0 = -0.5, theta1 = 1, theta2 = 1, theta3 = 0
    • For x(1),
      • f1 == 1 ( as its close to l(1))
      • f2 == 0 ( as its close to l(2))
      • f3 == 0 ( as its close to l(3))
    • Hypothesis :
      • = theta0 + theta1 * 1 + theta2 * 0 + theta3 * 0
      • = -0.5 + 1
      • = 0.5  (which is > 0, so we predict 1 )


    • How do we choose Landmarks ??
    • What other similarity functions we can use other than ‘Gaussian Kernel” ??
      • * Make l same as X


    • Kernels do not go well with logistic regression due to computational complexity
    • SVM with Kernels are optimized for computation and runs much faster



Using SVM

    Use software packages (liblinear, libsvm, …) to solve for parameters theta.

    Need to Specify:

    • Choice of parameter C
    • Choice of Kernel (similarity function)
      1. No Kernel (“linear kernel”)
        • Predict “y=1” if theta transpose x > 0
        • No landmarks or features f(i) from x.
        • Choose this when n is large and m is small. (Number of features is large and training examples are less)
      2. Gaussian Kernel
        • Predict “y=1” if theta transpose f > 0
        • Use landmarks
        • Need to choose sigma square
        • Choose this when n is small and m is large. ( very large training set but small number of features)
        • Do perform feature scaling before using the Gaussian kernel
      3. Other choices
        • All similarity function need to satisfy a technical condition called “Mercers Theorem”
        • Polynomial kernel
        • More esoteric:
          1. string kernel
          2. chi-square kernel
          3. historgram intersection kernel

    Many SVM packages already have built-in multi class classification functionality, if not use the one-vs-all method

    • Logistic Regression vs. SVM



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